Wednesday, November 27, 2019

An evaluation of the possible methods of water provision in Northern Nigeria. The WritePass Journal

An evaluation of the possible methods of water provision in Northern Nigeria. INTRODUCTION An evaluation of the possible methods of water provision in Northern Nigeria. INTRODUCTION1.1  PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF REPORT.1.2  Background to the Development of a Water Supply Policy.1.3 The Water Situation of the region2.0 PRESENTATION OF OPTIONS.2.1 Introduction of options.3.0 REQUIREMENTS4.0 COMPARISON OF THE POSSIBLE METHODS OF WATER PROVISIONS.4.1 Groundwater4.2 Imported Water.4.3 Rainwater harvesting5.0 CONCLUSIONS6.0 LIMITATION7.0 RECOMMENDATIONSReferencesRelated INTRODUCTION Preliminary from the analysis already held by most academic that water should be regarded as an economically and socially significant. This report presents some of the accounts undertaken by a group of both international and local academicians for the possible methods of water provision to the arid region of northern Nigeria. 1.1  PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF REPORT. The main objectives of this report are: To examines and evaluates the possible methods of water provision to the arid region of northern Nigeria. Offers some recommendation for water policy about the most reliable methods of water provision, thereby describing; clarifying the Changes that need to be made. 1.2  Background to the Development of a Water Supply Policy. The climatic condition of the north eastern part of  Nigeria  is such that it is not easy for yearly and other plants to produce due to limiting factors as water (Oxford Business Group, 2010). The northern region, specifically the northeast arid district of northern Nigeria according to Bermingham (2000) is monopolised by a low annual rainfall determined in only three months. The average annual rainfall in the northern Nigeria ranges from 500-750 millimetres and it always not the same; is extremely unpredictable, due to the fact that most of it falls as severe, often with, extreme variability, storms (Mathews 2002), In other, the vegetation is sparse and the grasses are very short. Precisely, according to the SLGP consultant’s report  carried out by Fullbrook et al in the year 2005, they made the emphases that Kano State of the northern Nigeria don’t have a policy for water and therefore there are needs for improving the sustainable provisions of water .Furthermore, they claimed that the water supply condition in Kano State is poor and has been deteriorating for many years in both the urban and rural areas due to speedy in the population growth and ineffective attitudes to water supply provision, combined with inadequate funding. Inadequate supply has enormous effects for the health of the inhabitants. Water is ostensibly free in rural areas but people in urban areas are charged for it. Also because the the approach of the government towards water supply has always been top down with no input into planning decisions from citizens. Water supply has factually been viewed by a large part of the population and by many politicians as a social service (Fullbrook, et al 2005) 1.3 The Water Situation of the region The population of the states in the northern region of Nigeria are growing rapidly. According to Fullbrook et al (2005), precisely in the Kano state, the population and the water supply statistics state one of the northern states of Nigeria. As of the calculations presented in the table, 44% of the population has access to potable water. Therefor the table according to them specifies that  Ã‚  in the order of 4.8 million to 6.7 million people in Kano State are don’t have enough water supply as shown on the table below: Table 1: Population and Water Supply Statistics S/No. Objects Low Value High Value 1 Estimated total state population 8,600,000 12,000,000 2 Population outside of Greater Kano (75%) 6,450,000 9,000,000 3 Greater Kano area population (1-2) 2,150,000 3,000,000 4 Semi-urban population (30% of 2) 1,935,000 2,700,000 5 Rural Population (2-4) 4,515,000 6,300,000 6 Population served Greater Kano (50%) 1,075,000 1,500,000 7 Population not served Greater Kano area 1,075,000 1,500,000 8 Population served semi-urban (50%) 967,500 1,350,000 9 Population not served semi-urban 967,500 1,350,000 10 Population served rural (39%) 1,760,000 2,457,000 11 Population not served rural 2,754,000 3,843,000 12 Total population serve 3,803,000(44%) 5,307,000(44% 13 Total population not served 4,797,000 6,693,000 2.0 PRESENTATION OF OPTIONS. 2.1 Introduction of options. The distinctive roles of the methods for the provision thereby dealing with the issue of lack of water in the northern part of Nigeria are slated below; such are: Ground water. Imported water and Rainwater Harvesting. 3.0 REQUIREMENTS The possible methods of water provision to the arid region of northern Nigeria were compared according to the following criterias; Cost Ease of use Water quality Quantity of water produced. 4.0 COMPARISON OF THE POSSIBLE METHODS OF WATER PROVISIONS. 4.1 Groundwater One of the possible methods of water provision to the semi-arid region of the northern Nigeria is the groundwater. According to Mather (2004) He pointed out that the groundwater methods is predominantly a good and unresolved choice for sustainable water provisions in the northern Nigeria. Furthermore, Adelana and Macdonald in 2008 and Alley in 1993, they made the significant claimed that the achievement of a maintainable supply, planning is need which required the hydrological and hydrogeological data on the water demand and the other socio-economic conditions such as the cost of drilling pomp and other materials-the development of under group water required some processes the quality will be affected if not follow one after the other. 4.2 Imported Water. Furthermore, the imported water should be one of the possible of method of water provision. According to Gratzfeld and et al in 2003, they stated that the use of boreholes pumps with hand pumps, canals, pipeline, and tankers has increased the opportunity for rural areas that lack water supply. And this has good effects on such activities like, agricultural activities like irrigation has been a major means of these methods. An obvious conclusion from the work of   Ã‚  Arlosoroff (1984) is that historically, the hand pump maintenance has been managed in many different ways, though with little exclusion, some initiative has been made mainly just to repair the pump once it has damaged down rather than to carry out a scheduled preventive maintenance. Pump reliability (availability) depends on both the frequency of breakdowns and the length of time for which the pump is out of service each time it needs attention. 4.3 Rainwater harvesting Rain water is the seizure of precipitation for human use close to where it drops before it goes down into the ground (Thomas and Ford, 2000). Domestic Rainwater harvesting (DRWH), a sub-set of rainwater harvesting is usually manifest as roof run-off harvesting because ground overflow is too dirty for safe human drinking (Thomas, 2000) and Audu (1999) the rain water harvesting is usually motivated by its surface supplies, thereby in a case where pipeline water provisions and ground water are not available there is tendency for each and every home in the community to practices the rainwater harvesting method. However according to Marson (2006) in Kaplan (2011) the water can be hazardous due to some pollutant such as dust, bird dropping and some atmospheric constituents. Therefor this method is cheap, easy but not that good. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, water has been one of the most problems of the northern Nigeria; however there are three possible methods of supplying water to the semi-arid region of northern Nigeria mentioned and analysed in this report and these methods are compared in terms of such issues as cost, ease of use, quality and quantity of the water. 6.0 LIMITATION Because of the limitation in terms of the word count this report was unable to express visibly the detail explanation of the requirements and the comparison of options.    7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS In view of   all the requirements in providing water to the arid region, it could be seen that the most reliable and affordable methods is the rain water harvesting, reason being that in the northern Nigeria there are large population with low cost of living and their major occupation is agriculture. In the dry season, majority of the plants and animals die, probably due to lack of water. Sotherefor, rainwater harvesting should be the best options during the rainy season. However the rain water can be impure and easily contaminated due to the effects of environmental hazards. Finally, for a good quality of water, government, and other bodies should intervene in the imported water method since the people don’t have enough finance. References Adelana, S., and MacDonald, M. (2008) Applied Ground studies in Africa, IAH Seleted Papers on Hydrogeology, 13. Balkema: CRS Press. Alley, M.(1993) Regional Ground-Water Quality. New York: John Willey and Sons. Arlosoroff, S. (1984) Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project. World Bank Technical report No.29. Bermingham, S. (2000) Changing Environments. Oxford: Heinemann. Fullbrook,J., et al (2005) Development of a Water Supply Policy for Kano State Government. Retrieved 7th April 2011, Gratzfeld, J., et al (2003) Extractive Industries in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones: Environmental Planning and Management. Cambridge: IUCN. Mather,J., (2010) 200 Years of British hydrogeology. Bath: Geological Society. Mathew,M., (2002) Nigeria: Current Issues and Historical Background. New York: Nova Publishers. Thomas, D., and Ford, R. (2005) The Crisis of Innovation in Water and Waste Water. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Illlegal Street Racing Essays

Illlegal Street Racing Essays Illlegal Street Racing Paper Illlegal Street Racing Paper Race the Strip, Not the Street. One of the fastest growing worldwide sports right now is racing. There are numerous forms of racing but Street Racing is one that is mainly performed by teenagers. Street racing originated from Drag Racing, on a quarter-mile strip. As the sport of street racing began to spread around the early ‘90s, people couldn’t really afford to go to a legal track and race, and soon enough teens began racing on public streets and highways. Street racing is an adrenaline rush to teens but most do not realize the hazards and consequences they have to face if something goes wrong. Many teenagers think it is fine to race or speed on public streets because that’s what they see in video games. Its either racing on the street and you get no damage to your car or you are running away from police. All these games greatly impact those who race the streets because they think they are invincible just like in the games where if they total their car, it restarts, or if they get stopped by police, cash or points are being taken away. Some don’t realize that street racing is a serious issue not to be thought of as a game. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 16 and 20. (NHRA Illegal Racing Stats) Teenagers have a higher probability of death from an automobile accident, due to irresponsibility and deficiency of driving experience. Most teenage fatal accidents are a cause of teenagers under the influence of a substances or just simple reckless driving to make an impression towards their peers. â€Å"Street racing is just plain ignorant. Why would you want to put anyone elses life in danger? Its just ridiculous. (Gary Scelzi, NHRA Driver) Indeed, it is ridiculous, street racing not only puts their life in danger but as well as pedestrians, and other drivers. Before they choose to race someone on public roads they should ask themselves this, â€Å"Would I like the guilt and consequences for the death of a family I killed in an accident because I lost of control, just for the fact that that I wanted to race a friend on the freeway? † In Arizona, the law for street racing is harsh and has serious life changing consequences. Arizona’s Racing Statue 28-708) states that: A person shall not drive a vehicle or participate in any manner in a race, speed competition or contest, drag race or acceleration contest, test of physical endurance or exhibition of speed or acceleration or for the purpose of making a speed record on a street or highway. Penalties for conviction of street racing (first offense) include: Possible jail time and/or probation, a fine of around $250 or more, suspension of your license for a period of time determined by the judge, up to 90 days, and community service. A second offense within 24 months can result in a Class 6 felony: jail time-no probation, a fine around $350 or more, and revocation of your license. Racing counts as 8 points against your license. Accumulation of 8 points in one year results in Traffic Survival School, and 13 or more points can result in additional license suspension. If drag racing leads to catastrophic auto accident or fatal accident, you will be charged with a felony crime and open yourself to liability in a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. Cheryl A Brown, Phoenix Street Drag Racing Attorney) Nationwide statistics show that 49 people are injured for every 1,000 who participate in illegal street racing. (Illegal Racing Stats, NHRA) When racing on public streets a lot of hazards are present. These hazards consist of traffic, pedestrians and objects such as trees, numerous types of poles, walls, and signs. An accident at high speeds in this kind of environment is extremely dangerous. A Street racing accide nt causes catastrophic damage to themselves and others due to loss of control at high speeds. If a collision with an object or loss of control were to happen at high speeds there is nothing to stop them except for what is around them which generally is something harmful, such as trees, buildings and other another vehicle. A collision with another object in a public area is almost certainly fatal. The majority of outcomes of racing accidents are disastrous on both sides, drivers and victims. Illegal street racing not only takes its toll in innocent lives, but affects families for years after. Their grief is compounded by knowing that their loved one died without reason; that their death could have been prevented. (Families Against Speeding Drivers-FASD) Success of racing without losing control or colliding without some object is not always triumphant there can still be legal consequences that can affect their daily life. These legal penalties could put them in a financial loss. This financial loss can come from fines and citations they receive. Jail time is going to greatly put them in a financial loss, from paying attorneys to being able to afford to bail them out. Meanwhile in jail their employment can also be tarnished, they will lose wages from their job. In Arizona there have been numerous tragedies with teenagers street racing, one which went to local high schools. Phillip Vogel, a student from Chaparral High School passed away on May 16, 2006 from a fatal car accident. The night before he was racing a fellow student when he lost control, hit a tree and a concrete entrance of a neighborhood subdivision. Phillip was a senior and because of what he decided to do that night he never lived to see the day of his graduation. Mike Sakal, East Valley Tribune) It is very unfortunate these tragic accidents happen, but sometimes teenagers do not stop to think of the possible outcomes and risks involved in street racing. Most don’t realize the tremendous consequences and risk of death; they don’t stop to think that those could be their last moments. Yes, sometimes there are substances involved, and driving under the influence is another factor that comes into play into street racing. When driving under the influence of a substance, teenagers feel invincible, they start playing around and that is when accidents start happening. Teenagers feel that they need to prove themselves by racing some one else, but they do not realize in how much danger they are putting themselves in. They feel the need for speed and don’t stop to think. â€Å"Street Racing is always too intense to have any fun. You have to run away from the police, make sure no one cuts in front of you, that you’re not going to crash. It’s crazy. You can’t have fun worrying about so many things. At the track, these things don’t exist and you can just go fast! (ABEL IBARRA, NHRA driver of the KN Filters/Toyo Tires Mazda RX7) There are many alternatives to street racing, teenagers just have to realize how dangerous it is to race on the streets and look for a local track where they can race on the weekends for an affordable price and a safe and controlled environment. In the early 1950s, NHRA founder Wally Parks began working with law-enforcement agencies around the country to entice illegal street racers onto dry la kes and abandoned runways where more organized competition could be staged. Today, that basic initiative remains NHRAs primary mission. Given the scope of todays street racing epidemic, NHRA is even more committed to providing safer racing alternatives through thousands of legal, sanctioned events that take place on hundreds of drag strips across the United States each weekend through its Street Legal program. (NHRA STREET LEGAL DRAGS) This alternative to racing the streets because there are no worries. They don’t have to worry about police or having to worry about the dangers, such as colliding with other traffic or harmful structures. They just get inspected to insure the car is safe to race, pay a small fee and just have fun, in a safe controlled environment. At the urging of Southern California law-enforcement agencies, NHRA in 1994 began a high-profile and closely scrutinized program of events for street-legal cars and motorcycles in Southern California. Since then, thousands of potential illegal street racers throughout the country have turned to Street Legal programs at NHRA member tracks, where as many as 700 racers may attend an event. (NHRA STREET LEGAL DRAGS) Many racers have chosen to go the safe way and race the strip for a small fee. Others choose to race their streets and take a chance they say that the adrenaline rush is not the same at the track. Looking back, I know I could have benefited from a Street Legal program from the standpoint of safety for myself and others around me. You always hear about people doing dumb things on the streets at three oclock in the morning; these kinds of things just dont happen at the racetrack. (NHRA, LARRY DIXON, driver of the Miller Lite Top Fuel dragster) At the track there’s a les s significant chance that something is going to go wrong. It is so controlled and precise that the only thing that could go wrong is technical problems with the vehicle. Compared to the streets they don’t have to worry about all the dangerous factors hey just concentrate on pure racing, and have their mind set on what they have to do to win their race. Many street racing accidents can be prevented by the teenage racing community it is just a matter of them getting educated about the consequences and hardships you can suffer from an accident involved in street racing. There are also many that don’t know that possibly their local track offers events where they can race and prove themselves in a controlled and precise environment for a small fee and an inspection of their vehicle to make sure it is safe for the track. If they truly love the sport of racing they should race at the track. Not only is it going to keep them out of trouble but it is going to keep them safe and having fun racing in a carefree environment. Brown, Cheryl A. Drag Racing. Cheryl A. Brown, LLC. Attorney at Law. 2007. Cheryl A. Brown, L. L. C. 21 Dec 2007 duiaz. com/PracticeAreas/Drag-Racing. asp. Dixon, Larry. Take it from the Drivers. NHRA Street Legal Drags. 2003. National Hot Rod Association. 21 Dec 2007 nhra. com/streetlegal/drivers. html. NHRA, Illegal Racing Stats. NHRA Street Legal Drags. National Hot Rod Association. 21 Dec 2007 nhra. com/streetlegal/stats. html. NHRA, NHRA Street Legal. NHRA Street legal Drags. 2003. National Hot Rod Association. 21 Dec 2007 nhra. com/streetlegal/index. html. Ibarra, Adel. Take it from the Drivers. NHRA Street Legal Drags. 2003. National Hot Rod Association. 21 Dec 2007 nhra. com/streetlegal/drivers. html. Sakal, Mike. Street Racing Accidents. Evo Street Racers. 2006. Eas t Valley Tribune. 21 Dec 2007 http://evostreetracers. com/streetracingaccidents190. tml. Scelzi, Gary. Take it from the Drivers. NHRA Street Legal Drags. 2003. National Hot Rod Association. 21 Dec 2007 nhra. com/streetlegal/drivers. html. Unknown The Effects of Illegal Street racing on Families. Families Against Speeding Drivers. 2005. FASD (families against speeding drivers). 21 Dec 2007 fasd. info/home. cfm? dir_cat=38151. Image of Chart: NHTSA Fatal Car Accident Statistics. Fatal Car Accidents Pictures Stories. www. car-accidents. com. 21 Dec 2007 car-accidents. com/pages/fatal-accident-statistics. html.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Legal Foundations of Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Legal Foundations of Health Care - Essay Example One of the department’s roles, through â€Å"Administration on Aging,† is provision of social services to the elderly population. It ensures the citizens’ interests in â€Å"income, housing, health, employment, retirement, and community services† by developing and implementing relevant programs (p. 25). The department’s role also includes administration of Medicare and Medicaid programs that offer health care services to the elderly, people with special disabilities, and needy populations. The Department of Health and Human Services, through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, also ensures affordable cost of care through initiating research on factors affecting cost of care and making appropriate decisions for regulating costs. The agency also regulates clinical activities with the aim of influencing cost and quality of offered services in care facilities. Similarly, the department plays a significant role initiating and promoting resear ch initiatives towards affordable care and development of information for evidence based practice and clinical decisions (Pozgar, 2012, p. 25-27). Other roles of the department are illustrated through its associated agencies such as â€Å"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,† â€Å"Food and Drug Administration,† and â€Å"National Institute of Health† (Pozgar, 2012, p. 27-28). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies the department’s role to reduce and possibly mitigate diseases. The department also ensures, through the Food and Drug Administration, that developed medicines, food products, other health consumables, and medical equipments are safe for human use (Pozgar, 2012, p. 28). It further formulates and facilitates implementation of measures for preventing and managing drug abuse. Its partnership with other stakeholders also plays a role in identifying dangerous drugs and it offers directives against consumption of such drugs besides offering